" do outro lado do espelho "

" i know who i was when i got up this morning,
but i think i must have been changed several times since then. "
(lewis carroll, alice's adventures in wonderland)
" A criança fecha os olhos no muro
Conta o tempo que os amigos demoram
A transformar-se
Fecha os olhos no interior dos números
Olha para dentro e em redor e encontra-se
A si mesma
A criança pergunta se há-de ir ter consigo
Ela quer encontrar os amigos, ela quer
Que lhe respondam. Ela calcula a voz alta
A altura do muro, a progressão do silêncio "
(daniel faria)

ruela, marulhos
if you knew that love can break your heart
when you're down so low you cannot fall
would you change?
would you change?
how bad, how good does it need to get?
how many losses? how much regret?
what chain reaction would cause an effect?
[that] makes you turn around,
[that] makes you try to explain,
[that] makes you forgive and forget,
[that] makes you change?

makes you change

if you knew that you would be alone,
knowing right, being wrong,
would you change?
would you change?

if you knew that you would find a truth
that brings up pain that can't be soothed
would you change?
would you change?
how bad, how good does it need to get?
how many losses? how much regret?
what chain reaction would cause an effect?
[that] makes you turn around,
[that] makes you try to explain,
[that] makes you forgive and forget,
[that] makes you change?

makes you change

are you so upright you can't be bent
if it comes to blows?
are you so sure you won't be crawling?
if not for the good, why risk falling?
why risk falling?
if everything you think you know,
makes your life unbearable,
would you change?
would you change?

if you'd broken every rule and vow,
and hard times come to bring you down,
would you change?
would you change?

the end is not near, haleh bryan
(imagem primeira: sue blackwell, alice through the looking glass
imagem quinta: thespeak, thinking
imagem nona: lachlan humphreys, change
restantes imagens: haleh bryan
música e letra: tracy chapman, change)
14 comentários:
It depends on so many - sometimes so small - things...
Who knows?...
Who can say Yes!?
Who can say No!?
that is the word...
Not so easy
however great
the need might be.
Because it is...
it is the word:
...[to] change...
Não mudo de vir aqui...
...divinal o teu post...
Marulhares dos teus adentros. Belos.
tocante, como sempre... nunca igual à que veio até aqui :)
grande beijinho, amiga.
Belas imagens
palavras belas
Estou em plena "estação sillynha" mas passo para deixar uma beijoka, grande =)***
a minha forma de estar
ou o meu modo de ser
já não se podem mudar
era deitar tudo a perder*
*na minha óptica, que sou um convencido optimista...
marulhar por aí
lembrei-me duma
música antiga...
eu... cada vez mais eu.eu... :)
tudo é processo mas há processos
que vão terminando e
à plenitude
( maior... :)
impossível ficar indiferente!
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